1. Sản phẩm
  2. Box, tray

Food box

Currently the market has very popular foam boxes used for food, food and plastic bags containing sauces, pho ... these are product lines that are not environmentally friendly as well as unsafe and unsafe. born and toxic from the constituents of these two types of packaging

If your business is interested and learn about disposable and environmentally friendly products with similar functions, this is an alternative solution.

Paper containers for foods and foods such as rice, salads, noodles, can also use various types of boxes depending on the needs of customers.

Different types of paper bowls or paper bowls with lids for noodle soup or sauce

Pizza's box was produced from HD Paper Packagingcompany in cheap price

Currently we have some types of paper pizza box different but generally these are boxes used E flute carton with 3 or 5 layers

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